The success of the digitisation project and this website would not have been possible without the help and hard work of a great many people - the main contributors are named here.
Special thanks must go to the Victims Strategy Implementation Fund for their financial support and to all the newspapers and photographers who so generously allowed material to be reproduced on the site.
Library Staff Digitisation Team
Margaret Cummings, Evelyn Johns, Aileen Laird, Claire Baxter, Grainne Lynch, Michelle Cross, Joanne Fox, Joan Hunter, Anne McCrea, Rosemary Adams and Arlene Kerr
Spanish Consultants
Jose Luna Brideen Baxter
Sean Coll, Roger Dixon and Alison Monteith (WELB)
Peter Cummings
DS Ltd Staff
Richard Davies, Dave Eyrl and Julia Murray
Belfast Telegraph, Daily Mirror (The Mirror), Derry People Donegal News, Donegal Democrat, Donegal People's Press (weekly paper), El Pais, Irish Examiner (The Examiner ), Irish Independent, Irish News, La Vanguardia, News Letter, Sunday Life, The Irish Times, Tyrone Constitution (local weekly paper), Ulster Herald (local weekly paper) and the Tyrone Herald (local weekly paper).
Belfast Telegraph, Cappagh Parish Magazine, Harrison Photography, Irish Examiner, Irish Independent, Irish News, Alan Lewis and Justin Kernoghan/Photopress Belfast, Brian Morrison, News Letter, Press Eye, Sunday Life, The Irish Times, Tyrone Constitution, Tyrone Herald and Ulster Herald .
Originally designed and built by Karen Fitzsimmons © 2006
The Library received funding from The Victim Strategy Implementation Fund (DCAL). Many items held have been kindly donated by Omagh District Council as well as members of the public, local churches and schools.
Our partner
Special thanks to our partner the Omagh Support and Self Help Group for the loan of their material.