- Arts Council NI www.artscouncil-ni.org
- CAIN (Conflict Archive on the Internet Conflict and Politics in Northern Ireland) http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/
- Christian Brothers Omagh www.cbsomagh.org
- Culture Northern Ireland www.culturenorthernireland.org
- Drumragh Integrated College www.drumraghcollege.co.uk
- Libraries NI www.librariesni.org.uk
- Linen Hall Library www.linenhall.com
- Loreto Grammar School www.loretogs.com
- Mellon Centre for Migration Studies http://www.qub.ac.uk/cms /
- National Archives Ireland www.nationalarchives.ie
- National Archives UK www.nationalarchives.gov.uk
- National Museums Northern Ireland www.nmni.com
- Northern Ireland Publications Resource www.nibooks.org
- Omagh Academy www.omaghacademy.com
- Omagh District Council www.fermanaghomagh.com
- Omagh Support and Self Help Group www.omaghbomb.co.uk
- PRONI www.proni.gov.uk
- South West College www.swc.ac.uk
- Tyrone Constitution www.tyronecon.co.uk
- Ulster Herald http://ulsterherald.com
- Visit Omagh www.visitomagh.co.uk